Sunday, May 06, 2007

Progress notes for May 6, 2007

This is turning into the story that won't end. I've had to abandon my initial plot when I stumbled into a really really really deep hole with no way out. There was no plausible way to save the characters, and they deserve saving. So, now, after a few reshaping of lines, they're going to jail for a bit. Hooray!

"The Songs He'd Sing"

New Words: 845
Total Words: 3,832
Pages: 9 and a half
Deadline: None
Reason for stopping: Must work out what happens next, and for the love of all that is holy, WHY
Stimulants: Coronas
Songs played loudly: "I'm Asking Her To Stay" by Sherwood
Exercise: Um, does running errands count?
Mail: Nomail, tis Sunday
Darling du Jour: "Great. You leaving me to eat salads for eternity? Contrary to what you might think, I'm not in love with the sound of my own voice. There had actually been a time when meow was what I thought, and meow was what came out of my mouth." He sunk down, curling his feet beneath his small body. "I guess those were the days."
Other writing-related work: Toying with novel stuff
The Internet is full of Things: Spider-Man 3 sets a new opening-day record with $55.8 million. Of the many that have already seen the film, alas, I'm not one. Hopefully by next weekend though...

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