Thursday, February 15, 2007

Progress notes for February 15, 2007

Working on a new story so until it's finished y'all get to enjoy some progress notes.

"The Morning Gift"

New Words: 517
Total Words: 517
Pages: 1 and a half
Deadline: Submission period opens on March 23
Reason for stopping: Tired, need to figure plot out
Stimulants: Coffee! Also, carrots?
Songs played loudly: "Sleepers" by Saosin, "Wake the Dead" by Comeback Kid
Mail: A second notice from ASIM that my submission has made it to the final round. Now comes the long wait...
Darling du Jour: The Sisters mocked Farinne as she worked: "We heard, we heard! Fivefinger Farry and One-Eye, what a couple they'll be! Think getting married'll make them each whole. Ignorant oafs."
Other writing-related work: Scribbled down some ideas for a freelance gig
The Internet is full of Things: Did anyone else notice Google's Valentine's Day logo yesterday? Googe?

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